Have you ever thought about getting a hot tub?

Tried one on holiday?

Have an inflatable tub and looking to upgrade?

Well now is the perfect time to make that thought a reality. At our huge showroom on Norham Road, North Shields we have over 30+ tubs on display. We have a wide selection of all hot tubs; smaller tubs for romantic nights in, family sized tubs that bridge the gap between relaxation and socialising, and larger tubs for the avid party thrower. If fitness is more your thing, then we also have a range of swimspas that combine relaxation and exercise. At TheHotTubWarehouse we have a hot tub for everyone and make it our mission to make sure you get the tub that best suits your needs.

Is now the best time to get a Hot Tub?

Yes. It is.

Of course it is.

What are you talking about?

*wins award for best sales pitch of all time*

The start of the year is actually the best time of the year to get a hot tub. As we transition out of Winter and move on to Springtime, the weather has started to clear up but it’s still cold outside. Nothing keeps you warm outside better than your very own mini heated pool. Feeling the blues after the festive period? Get rid of that feeling by treating yourself to a hot tub. As I said earlier, the weather has started to clear up meaning we can easily install your hot tub without issue. Also by having a hot tub installed at this point in the year, it means that you can enjoy it at the tail end of Winter which we think is the best time to.

Would I get much use of of a Hot Tub?

This is a question that nearly all of our customers end up asking themsleves at some point. Now I’ll tell you what I tell them. We are fortunate to live in lovely England, so much culture and history but one thing we don’t have is sunshine. Granted we have a few days a year of bliss but for the majority of the year it’s the gloomy old weather that we all secretly love. So why wouldn’t you come home from work and think, ‘I know what will cheer me up on this dull grey day, slipping in to 40°c of pure bliss’.

Okay yes, that was a slightly depressing outlook on it but honestly, owning a hot tub makes your life better. No one can say they aren’t happy when they’re coming home everynight to get in to a hot tub with an alcoholic beverage of their choice. So yes, you will use it. In fact for the first month or so, you’ll use the hell out of it. You’ll be in the sucker everynight for hours on end. Infact, when we’ve spoken to previous customers they tell us that even after the first few of months they still use their hot tub nearly every day and just having the option of it is great. Others have told us that even if they don’t have time during the week to use it (due to busy work scheduales and family life), they love the fact that when the weekend comes they can hop in with a glass of wine and relax the week away. What we hear the most however, is that once you get your hot tub installed and actually in your garden, you become everyone’s best friend. Everyone wants to come round to your house ‘for drinks’ or ‘for a catchup’, ignoring that fact that they have their bathing suit with them.

How will a Hot Tub help me?

Okay, this is it. This is how you justify getting a hot tub to your partner, so listen up. Aside from the obvious amazing feeling that you’ll get from owning a hot tub, you will also get other awesome benefits. First off, hydrotherapy. If you ever have any nagging pain or soreness in your muscles or joints, a hot tub will work wonders for you. By going in the hot tub for even just 30 minutes every other night you’ll start to feel your aches and pains going away. The hot water will sooth any muscle stiffness you have and will warm up the joints to allow them to move more easily and without pain.

Another great reason to invest in a hot tub is that it will bring your family together. We hear time and time again from our customers that since they’ve got a hot tub, their family gets along better and it gives them all something to look forward and enjoy as a family. It can be difficult as a family to find time to spend with each other due to kids clubs, sleepovers, teenagers…you get the point. A hot tub gives everyone something to look forward to and many of our customers tell us that they make point of all going in the hot tub at least once a week. And yes, even the angsty teenagers go in.

So that’s a couple of reasons that you can tell your other half when they ask the question. ‘Do we really need one? That and few other reasons that relate to the relationship between yourself and your partner improving dramatically. But this is a PG rated blog so I won’t get in to that.

– Richard | TheHotTubWarehouse
